You can almost hear brooks babbling and the ocean heaving a sigh as one speaks the words… “AQUA. AGUA. WATER.” And across the cities and towns and farms and fisheries dotting the Bay of Concepción Talcahuano (“talkaˈwano”) on the sun-kissed shores of South...
A Grand Alignment

A Grand Alignment

The global reset has established a new aligning of innovation, investment, and impact that is changing the world for good. EPIC ESG stands at the center of clean, green, energy innovation that is aligning the best of technology with the highest values of individuals,...
Coming Home

Coming Home

“Come on home.” One of the most comforting phrases in the world. EPIC ESG scans the globe for clean energy projects with both capacity and an aligned constellation of exceptional attributes capable of generating environmental, social, and economic benefits while...
Seeing the Horizon

Seeing the Horizon

Even on our best days,  a horizon can be hidden. And yet it is there. Always.  For many, we are experiencing a new capacity for horizon vision — finding the horizon and then seeing beyond it.  Is it possible that dynamic shifts of the century are equipping us as...
The Winds of Change

The Winds of Change

If you stand long enough, and quietly enough in one of the rolling fields of corn, or peas, or cotton, or peas, or wheat that drape themselves over the swales and ridges of Mississippi and Alabama, Texas and Oklahoma, North Carolina, and Tennessee — you know the sound...