If you stand long enough, and quietly enough in one of the rolling fields of corn, or peas, or cotton, or peas, or wheat that drape themselves over the swales and ridges of Mississippi and Alabama, Texas and Oklahoma, North Carolina, and Tennessee — you know the sound – the rising winds whistling through the green and gold oceans. And then you see it — magnificent unseen fingers drawing their patterns upon the agricultural canvasses.
The wind. Each of the spiritual traditions speaks of it as a mystery, a spirit, a power, a force.
EPIC ESG has partnered with a remarkable group of stakeholder horizoneers through its collaboration with BlackIsGreen. This pioneering project will bring renewable energy and cleantech technologies, services, products, and equipment to the 107 Historic Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) via a program named HBCU Renew!
BlackIsGreen, in association with both individual HBCUs and with private commercial partners, will develop a number of African American centric commercial verticals, said verticals to include renewable energy/cleantech project development in the regions surrounding each HBCU campus as well as in historically environmentally disadvantaged US African American communities.
The project embraces a First Principle of “Great Chain of Being” that looks to the past for humanity’s origins in Africa and looks to the future to convey this great course of events forward with the creation of an African American legacy in creating and participating as full and equitable creators, players, and participants in the new green economy.
EPIC ESG’s new partnership with BlackIsGreen, in association with both individual Historic Black Colleges and Universities (HBCUs) and with private commercial partners, is developing an expanding network of African American centric commercial verticals that include renewable energy/cleantech project development in the regions surrounding each HBCU campus as well as in historically environmentally disadvantaged US African American communities.
Further, the project will utilize certain co-products produced by the biomass pyrolysis technology, including valuable chemical co-products and carbon-based biochar and premium activated carbon products, which can be processed as various products including organic fertilizers, organic soil amendments, water, air filtration and, health and cosmetic products. Products are designed to be distributed under a BlackIsGreen brand conveying both commercial and individual consumers the company’s African American ownership and basis, with BlackInGreen having universal appeal across all demographics.
We are witnessing a wondrous, rising breath of power as new energy technologies are writing upon the canvass of green energy production. Wind and solar, drawing directly from the sky and pyrolysis drawing upon and returning to the earth — supported and supporting — next generation technologies that are multiplying every benefit of every clean, green resource for next generations of entrepreneurs.
This is the way of the wind. It sweeps upon us in refreshment, power, and pure mystery — unfolding around us with something close to wonder that rises within us.
We are watching great winds of change that are shifting the way we imagine, produce, and consume energy. Join EPIC ESG in the great discovery of next. We can see the writings from the sky.
EPIC ESG — transforming the world for good.
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